When can I get a GSA Schedule or Number?
Securing a GSA Schedule Contract is not simply a matter of filling out an application. It is a complicated proposal process. It could cost your company many hours and dollars before you make your first submission. However, when approved you will be more competitive for government purchases in various industries.
UE Consulting helps in three ways
Turn-key services:
Stage I
• Becoming familiar with your company’s offerings
• Obtaining administrative, technical, and pricing information about your company
• Optimizing your presentation to the government
• Assisting you to codify your commercial sales practices
• Developing pricing and government discounting practices -
Stage II
• Develop Proposal
• Complete all necessary forms
• Match criteria and requirements with extensive review
• Submit all required documents to the GSA’s e-Offer
• Speed the review process by pro-actively discussing your offer with the Contracting Officer -
Stage III
• Complete the administrative review
• Negotiation with Contracting Officers
• FPR stages (final proposal revision)
• Updates on status
Basic Assistance:
Assist you by acting as project manager for a GSA submission
Provide guidance, education, training, advice, and experience as needed for your staff/team
Review a final proposal package before you submit the package to GSA
Complete the administrative review, negotiation and FPR stages
Submit the proposal, if requested, via GSA’s online submission e-Offer service
Assist you during the administrative review, negotiation, and FPR stages, as needed
Third eye review
the main function is to conduct a pre-approval survey and analysis of a prospective contractor's packet
A detailed financial review will be implemented to determine if the prospect is financially viable, solvent and able to fulfill requirements under if a GSA contract is awarded.
Complete the administrative review
Negotiation with Contracting Officers
FPR stages (final proposal revision)
Updates on status